Hari-hari kerjanya...
Melemparkan senyuman manis pada PA Dean
Pastu tanya, " KJ ada? ada hal sket nak bincang."
Jika KJ ada, makna nya wujudlah sesuatu yang bermanafaat. Jika tidak...
Syukur. Segala nya berjalan lancar walaupun otak tak berapa lancar. Untuk Master, UKM menjadi pilihan. Luar negeri terpaksa dilupakan hatta tiada restu ibu. Alahai...
Permohonan sudah dihantar. Tunggu tawaran. Meeting cuti belajar dan biasiswa. And here i come!
From Food Biotechnology to Postharvest Biology and Technology. Sounds bad huh? I'm going to agriculture.
Live ur life as an academic fellow wasn't great. Trust me. The only job is to find a place to continue ur study. Duration is 6 months. Things that matter is the salary. Not bad.
As long as u're an academic fellow, not allowed to involve in lecture, marking paper etc. How B.O.R.I.N.G! i love meeting with people a.k.a students
Circumtances are different. When u're no longer a student, people treats u just like u're adult enough to handle it. Smart enough to solve it. Sounds harsh but this is academic people life. I begin to understand.
Last week, i had a meeting with TNC (Tim. Naib. Caunselor). Told to finish the postgrad study as fast as u can, get married and have child as many as u can while u're still young and as a researcher and a lecturer three matters have been points out:
Mengajar. Menyelidik. Menulis.
And for me, whether u publish or perish. heh
Just can't believe it. Dare enough?