Saturday, December 25, 2010

It's Christmas and ...

Count your life by smiles - not tears
Count your age by friends - not years

Arshana, Happy birthday!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Happy birthday adik lutfi.

Adik Lutfi,

Dah lama abang nak cakap, adik sangat comel dan cute. Hati-hati tau kalau nak lintas jalan. Lori semua laju-laju.

Hari ni, adik abang nampak dah besar sikit. Ya, sebab hari lahir adik kot?

Abang wish you Happy Birthday.

Abang Pojan

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Ati!







(Having a hard time finding presents but I'm sure there is one somewhere.. ;p)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Kasihan saya

Salam 1 Biotech-ed,

Dimaklumkan yang para saintis USM sedang berusaha untuk menanam chip memori berkuasa lebih bagus dari kuda ke dalam badan saya. Mengikut laporan terbaru, project tersebut yang dibiayai oleh Geran F&N sepenuhnya telah mencapai proses akhir kajian.

Penanaman chip ini adalah bertujuan untuk mengatasi masaalah keciciran telefon genggam yang amat kronik. Untuk rekod, kes kehilangan ini adalah untuk kali yang ke 3 dalam sejarah peradaban dunia mengikut fakta-fakta yang anti-Darwinism. Kalau mengikut fakta Darwinism, kehilangan ini adalah untuk kali ke 319.

Memang annoying kan bila kamu hantar sms kepada saya, dan mendapat pulangan paku buat keras sms berbunyi;

"A ah...saya dah gosok gigi pagi tadi. Tapi lembu di ladang belum di bawa ke phisiotheraphy. Maaf ya, saya baru hilang phone(lagi), boleh saya tahu siapa kamu?"

Masaalah ini lebih pendemic apabila wajah saya sekarang makin popular di kompleks-kompleks membeli belah terkemuka di Kota Bharu, iaitu KB Mall. Abang yang menjual handset menjadi sangat bosan dengan saya kerana tiada pilihan selain melayan soalan saya yang amat klise;

"Abang, boleh tolong jual pada saya telefon genggam yang paling murah?"

Dengan pandangan hina, abang tersebut akan dengan kasarnya menunjukkan jenama telefon yang paling kodi seMalaya. Antaranya adalah Nokia Basic, atau yang terbaru, abang tersebut akan menjaja secara pukal telefon jenama CSL.

Oh, tidak ketinggalan, pekerja-pekerja Celcom juga seharusnya sudah cukup confuse untuk membezakan saya sebagai pekerja atau pelanggan, di sebabkan kekerapan menghadiri Celcom Center terdekat.

Saya berharap sanagt project chip ciptaan Prof Azkiya ini berjaya, dan ini secara tidak langsung dapat mengembalikan semangat dan keyakinan diri secara berseloroh untuk memiliki telefon canggih seperti HTC.

Maaflah, saya tidak berminat pada iPhone setelah membuat kajian ringkas.

Maaf juga kerana saya mungkin telah mengspoilkan mood korang secara bersistematik sejak korang semua hantar wish untuk kelahiran Azkiya, ucapan hari raya dan juga ucapan hari lahir. Memang banyak saya dapat sms masuk (bukan undi AF masuk tau), tapi saya mengalami sindrom keralatan untuk mereply disebabkan nombor-nombor yang tertera kebanyakan seolah-olah kod-kod rahsia yang dihantar oleh Anonymous.

Saya ada cadangan;

Jika mahu hantar sms pada saya (jika kamu masih belum berputus asa), sila gunakan format ini;

[Mesej kamu][jarak][nama kamu]

Ok, selamat beramal, dan ditekan kan di sini supaya membaca salam pada baris pertama entry ini dengan slow-slow, sebab takut tersalah baca dan sebut. Buruk padahnya.

Sekian, wasalam.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Happy Besday Lil Bro!! ^^

Pojan, Kak Sofie is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo very sorry she forgot your birthday!!! T__T

You even called, and still akak tak hingat! (-_-) Akak da tua, pelupa tahap cipan!

So, let me take this opportunity to say:

I wish you lots and lots of happiness..
Akak doakan Pojan selamat meng-complete-kan MSc,
And may you fulfill and achieve all the things you want most in life.

You deserve it all, bro..

Happy Birthday, love you! ^^

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Isma Yanti :)

Semoga sentiasa dirahmati Allah di dunia dan akhirat
Jaga Allah, Allah jaga kita

Monday, August 09, 2010

Baby Azkiya

Sunday, August 01, 2010

The latest addition to our family.

Gossip ni mak dapat dari informer mak di kenduri Jas dan Pak Di you olls...ahaks.

Cerita lanjut di

Friday, July 30, 2010

My First Poster Presentation

Just wanna share 'tiny fragments' from my first poster presentation.

my kawaii poster^^

It was 35th annual conference of the M'sian Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology. I'm taking part in poster presentation. Clueless as always but i meet great people there as well as great foods (of course lah!).
Sustainable drugs, natural products, cancers were the most topics focused on during this conference. Well, i listened to most of it and tryin' not to listen to mp3 sambil berangan.
When i saw other posters/oral presenters, i just felt that my research was insignificant. Tiny and almost nothing. Dah mula cuak ngan masa depan sndr. Seriously, they were all good. Damn good. It just like my research was nothing compared to their research, lagi cuak bila dpt tau diaorg pun MSc. Gahhh...betik oh betik!

p/s: happy birthday nurul! ^^ sorry sorry couldn't meet you. Next time yea.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Assalamu'alaikum muni, yati, kak opie, sitot dan che ann (sebut yang ada kat malaysia je ya)!

Ahad sampai selasa nexwik, saya ada kat UPM Serdang. Tidur kat SMART Hotel (hotel bajet je, jimat duit kerajaan..hehe) sorang-sorang.. Ni jadual hidup saya.

Ahad petang register. Setiap malam free..kuikui
Isnin siang jadual penuh.malam ada dinner tapi tak nak join la.
Selasa sampai tengahari je. Then free. Balik Terengganu malamnya.

Jika ada seiapa yang free boleh jumpa. Tapi tula, korang semua keje kan~~ huhu.

Terpaksa guna blog nak inform sebab bateri handphone kong. Pastu takde charger kat rumah. Tak sempat lagi nak beli baru...hihi.

Kepada shana dan isma yanti yang jauh di mata dekat di hati..take a good care ye!! miss u all!

Friday, July 02, 2010


Was just wondering...

What are your future plans?

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Munirah!

Happy Birthday Muni!

~Semoga Allah mudahkan urusan dunia dan akhirat~

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Another BTB Reunion

Hello everyone,

Isma is free on the 16th of May, let's meet up.

Where is the best place for another reunion with the BTB's next generation i.e. Sarah? :)

Let me know and I'll be in touch with Isma and family.


Tuesday, May 04, 2010


Hey folks!

Just a short note, my graduation in KL is scheduled to be on 26th September 2010. So count me in our initial dates for the Penang trip.

And for updates, we recently met up with Nurul on our visit to Isma's family and later on stumbled upon Kak Shahida and Kak Hanis at One Utama last weekend.

I'm certainly hoping to see Isma who is in Malaysia for two weeks sometimes soon, and you lots wherever you are!


Thursday, April 29, 2010


Al-Faatihah untuk Pak cik Masseren bin Duki, ayah kepada sahabat kita Noor Isma Yanti yang kembali ke rahmatullah pada jam lebih kurang 10.16 malam, Rabu, 28 April 2010.

Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat

Sunday, April 11, 2010


I'm the first!

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Guess Who?

Who says being a nerd reduces your chance of meeting an eye-candy? A charming private pilot immaculate studious and corporate eye-candy some more.

Any of you want to guess who is he? As a clue, he has a brother who is equally charming. 
PS. Just got back from MPOB's PAC seminar, and the entry is my souvenir for you.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How Do You Start Off Your Day?

There comes a point in your work life when you're swamped with works and redundant tasks, starting off in the morning drives you with anxiety and to the point of a manic depression. How do you deal with it?
How do you clear the clutter in your mind and go within yourself to get that calming "I'm-in-control" feeling?
Especially when you're so tired the night before you always end up waking up at mere 7 a.m. and before you know it you're so rushed to start your day again you don't realize when exactly did it begins? In between work, I'm still searching and scrambling how can I find my ways back to get a hold of my emotional and spiritual self.
How do you guys cope?

Saturday, March 20, 2010


This version of "KL notes: (finale)" has been requested by the author, a brother Caracol-Darus-Eric (abCDE). The request was made by phone, thus the editor has taken liberties of interpreting the article in the way that makes most sense to her. Honestly, you can't expect her to read his mind, can you? She only hopes that she has done him justice.. Enjoy! ^^

I hate talking about changes, but evolution seems to be the most precise word to describe us. Despite the many people against Darwin’s theory, I personally believe in microevolution. One complicated, random process plus environmental factors and poof~ we evolve!

In truth, we all do it to survive.

For example, I haven’t noticed it before, but last weekend I realized Yati has a big black mole on her left cheek. I guess she picked it up from Aussie. Did you, Yati?

Munirah.. I noticed that she's vocally loud these days. In certain discussions, she will either speak up loudly or remain silent in disagreement. I was really shocked by her reactions, but hey, I trust her. She knows something. Or she must be up to something. God knows. I think she'll be a good presenter when she joins a conference.

Azhane. A Yuna to be? I personally think she has a good sense of fashion. A fashionista wanna be? She looks good. Damn good! On a personal note, I think everyone has learnt that baju kurungs are only suitable for classes! :0

Lutfi still presents himself as lengai. I think he's too comfortable tagging along with us. Atau kau cover2 depan She she?

She she.. I don’t know much about her. But from the recordings, I think she's kind of pemalu. Or malu-malu. Mungkin first meeting kut?

Kak opie.. I have many things to write about her, but yeah. She's cool as always. Tq sebab tolong hantar ke Putra and Greenwood.

Me? I am 7 kilos lebih berat after convo! Ini kesan cara hidup penuh stress dan kurang bersukan.

My English is not so bad now; just a carwreck. But my intentions were good, definitely... *grin*

Footnote: While the editor finds this version more coherent, it is admittedly a lot less fun to read! Nandattebayo? O_o


By the way, minnasan.. I'd like to bring your attention back to our discussion about Penang.

We've decided it would be tentatively in October, right? But we haven't decided on the exact date, so I'll give you one now. You need to tell me immediately if you already have something on those dates! If not, try to blank out these days on your calendar, because if there are no problems, we're finally going to Penang! ^^

The dates: Friday, Oct. 22nd - Monday, Oct. 25th (Fri & Mon are traveling days..)

As I see it, everyone might have to take two days leave, so.. please try to make all the necessary arrangments, ya. If you're having problems, do let me know ASAP.

Owari. Arigatou minnasan! ^^

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

KL notes (finale)

I hate to talk about changes, as evolution seems to be the most precise vocabulary to describe us. No matter how many religious people against towards Darwin’s theory, deeply, personally, I still believe in microevolution. It is complicated and very random process, plus, taking into consideration environmental factors, and puffffff, we evolved. In fact, we are evolving upon survival.

I haven’t noticed that Yati has a big black mole on her left cheek before, but last weekend. I guess she picked it up from Aussie. Are you?

Munirah. I noticed that she has a loud vocal nowadays. In certain series of discussion, she either will speak up loud or remain silence in disagreement. Of course I was terribly shock upon her reactions, but hey, I trusted her. She knows something. Or she must be up to something. God knows. I believe that she will be a good presenter if she joins in any conference.

Azhane. A Yuna to be? I personally think that she has a good sense of fashion. A fashionista wanna be? She look good! Damn good. On the side notes, I think that each and everyone has learnt that baju kurungs are only to go to the class :0

Lutfi still represented himself as lengai. I think he too comfortable while tagging with us. Atau kau cover2 depan She she?

She she I don’t know much about her. But from the recorded video, I don’t think that she is kind of pemalu. Or malu-malu. Mungkin first meeting kut?

Kak opie. I have many things to write about her, but yeah. She still cool like she was before. Tq sebab tolong hantar ke Putra and Greenwood.

Me? I am 7kilo lebih berat after the convo! Ini kesan cara hidup penuh stress dan kurang bersukan.

My Engrish is terribly bad, like a car crushed into a bush, but I was intended to write about good thing. For sure. Smile

Monday, March 15, 2010

"Spinning" of friendship....i supposed to upload the formal one, but I think this one kinda funny.

The formal one is available through this link

Special note for Kak sopie, munirah, and safura, please register for facebook. TQ

we missed arshana. isma and lyana sidek and not forget (actually dah with big, bold, italize, all cap TER...) seetot toooo...

UNO rematch (2010)

i love this final pic....

Monday, March 08, 2010

Waaarrgghh! Akak lupa Birthday lagi! What the heck is wrong with me!!?

To Azhane bt Ahmad yang kini berada di UKM Bangi, Happy Happy Happy Birthday to you! Akak nak hantar kad tapi alamat tak tau.. huhu!

Kita kuar makan sabtu ni nak?

Skali lagi, ampun sesangat terlupa birthday! (T_T)

(March 3, 2010)

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

sItoT, HaPPy BIrThdAy!

Hoping life remains forever as bright and colorful as those burning candles for you..

Panjang umur, murah rezeki! (~_^)


macam muka sitot kan?

Besday sitot 28 Feb...

Tapi sitot bukak ke blog ni ek? Papepun nak wish jugak kat sitot...Hepi Besday sitot!

Saya selalu tergelak bila ingat support yang sitot bagi masa exam swimming dulu..haha

"GO! GO! tok batin!, GO! GO! tok batin!" sambil kepal tangan macam penumbuk and angkat ke udara..uish, dramatik pulak rasa..

nasib baik saya tak lemas sebab tergelak masa tu tot!

Miss u all!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Owh Kak Sofie~

Kak Sofie! yesterday was your birthday!

adikmu ini lupa mahu wish~ sori ya!

Semoga sentiasa dalam ketenangan di dunia dan akhirat yang kekal abadi~

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Last year, during my summer vacation I applied to three following posts:
1. An internship with Global Povery Project
2. Shell Gourami Business Challenge
3. Next Generation APEN (Australia-Pacific Extension Network) Scholarship to attend their 2009 International Conference

The responses were all the same, "Whilst your application was of high quality and extremely relevant, you have been unsuccessful on this occasion" - if they're not disheartening, I'm not sure what they are.

I'm on the same cycle again, this time for a permanent employment opportunity. So far I've applied to six posts, and I haven't received any feedback yet. To tell the truth, I am rather nervous to accept rejection yet again.

But try I must, and faith I must have.

Wish me luck, folks.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Adakah saya patut mendaftar untuk laman web sosial ini? Apa pendapat kalian? Pojan kata saya kekampungan kerana tiada akaun Facebook. Ceh. Rata-rata mengerutkan dahi bila diberitahu, "Nope, no Facebook whatsoever." Kadang-kadang saya terasa seperti hidup di zaman Paleolitik.

"Korang buat apa?",tanya saya. "Oh, tgh main Sorority blabla kat Facebook. Duit saya dah banyak, Kak. Confidence level pun dah naik. Seronok la", balas adik-adik di makmal. "Huh??", kata saya dalam hati. Ya, saya terasa sangat tua dan ketinggalan zaman. LOL.

Jadi, apa pendapat kalian?

p/s: I'm doing fine here in Serdang. Kadang-kadang hampir mereng tapi everything is under control. Semakin umur meningkat, semakin cepat pula saya rasa homesick. Kata orang, home is where the heart is. Nak balik rumah!!!