Saturday, March 20, 2010


This version of "KL notes: (finale)" has been requested by the author, a brother Caracol-Darus-Eric (abCDE). The request was made by phone, thus the editor has taken liberties of interpreting the article in the way that makes most sense to her. Honestly, you can't expect her to read his mind, can you? She only hopes that she has done him justice.. Enjoy! ^^

I hate talking about changes, but evolution seems to be the most precise word to describe us. Despite the many people against Darwin’s theory, I personally believe in microevolution. One complicated, random process plus environmental factors and poof~ we evolve!

In truth, we all do it to survive.

For example, I haven’t noticed it before, but last weekend I realized Yati has a big black mole on her left cheek. I guess she picked it up from Aussie. Did you, Yati?

Munirah.. I noticed that she's vocally loud these days. In certain discussions, she will either speak up loudly or remain silent in disagreement. I was really shocked by her reactions, but hey, I trust her. She knows something. Or she must be up to something. God knows. I think she'll be a good presenter when she joins a conference.

Azhane. A Yuna to be? I personally think she has a good sense of fashion. A fashionista wanna be? She looks good. Damn good! On a personal note, I think everyone has learnt that baju kurungs are only suitable for classes! :0

Lutfi still presents himself as lengai. I think he's too comfortable tagging along with us. Atau kau cover2 depan She she?

She she.. I don’t know much about her. But from the recordings, I think she's kind of pemalu. Or malu-malu. Mungkin first meeting kut?

Kak opie.. I have many things to write about her, but yeah. She's cool as always. Tq sebab tolong hantar ke Putra and Greenwood.

Me? I am 7 kilos lebih berat after convo! Ini kesan cara hidup penuh stress dan kurang bersukan.

My English is not so bad now; just a carwreck. But my intentions were good, definitely... *grin*

Footnote: While the editor finds this version more coherent, it is admittedly a lot less fun to read! Nandattebayo? O_o


By the way, minnasan.. I'd like to bring your attention back to our discussion about Penang.

We've decided it would be tentatively in October, right? But we haven't decided on the exact date, so I'll give you one now. You need to tell me immediately if you already have something on those dates! If not, try to blank out these days on your calendar, because if there are no problems, we're finally going to Penang! ^^

The dates: Friday, Oct. 22nd - Monday, Oct. 25th (Fri & Mon are traveling days..)

As I see it, everyone might have to take two days leave, so.. please try to make all the necessary arrangments, ya. If you're having problems, do let me know ASAP.

Owari. Arigatou minnasan! ^^


Anonymous said...


my nickname will be Francios after Eric ;)

lyana sidek said...

Plan untuk oktober seperti terlalu jauh dalam jangkauan..hehe. I'll try my best insyaAllah...

lutfi lukman said...

saya tidak cooperative, seperti biasa. huhu

Nurhidayati Abd Aziz said...

If the dates don't coincide with my graduation, I'll definitely be able to make it. It'll be my first leave ever! :p

Ann said...

rasanya bole aja!
cehh..adakah sy terlalu carefree?

izra said...

Count me in! Insya-Allah akan lapang time tu nanti :)

izra said...

Eh jap.Lutfi,kalau mcm tu awk tak yah pegi lah. Awk kan sentiasa sibuk dgn life awk.Kan?