Tuesday, December 22, 2009

RE: Penang

Aaa, Ati! Yes, I need help!? *sputtering and drowning*

Sorry for the delay guys. Sangat sibuk tak ada masa nak duduk menulis. End of the year is always a busy time. Lit review, labwork, thesis.. yeah, I'm currently reviewing a Masters thesis draft for a friend, three very long chapters on bat ecology and distribution. Akak volunteer just to know more about bats..

Anyway, about the trip..

Erm, kita dah decide nak tunda ke bulan Januari hari tu. Well, sekarang dah pun Disember, and we need to figure out when we'd like to go in January, so that I can book us a venue. Imbas kembali: kita nak duduk tepi pantai kan? Like I said there are a few possible places, tapi bukan hotel lima bintang la.. ala, asal bley tidur da la kan? Kalau korang dah survive Pergau, Pulau Pinang should be no prob.. ^^

Sebelum kita discuss tarikh, I'm putting up a few links here of the places that I think would be interesting to visit in Penang. Sila beri feedback tentang tempat-tempat ni ya, so that I can plan out where to go on what days.. Note: these are just a few places. Tak larat nak link semua. Kalau ada tempat yang akak tertinggal, give me a head's up. Kalau nak lagi banyak info, mu research sendiri la...

Now, bila nak pergi?

Akak cadangkan 15 - 18 Januari 2010. Kebetulan waktu tu akak nak kena register di USM - trying to kill 2 birds with one stone, heh heh.. Wey, tak senang nak dapat cuti dari FRIM. Diaorang berkira sungguh.. Kelih!

But, we don't necessarily have to go on these dates. Kalau ada masa yang lebih sesuai, do let me know. Lagi satu, please let me know soon. Next week da new year. Kalau boleh akak nak minta persetujuan semua by early next week, so that I can make bookings ya. Kerjasama anda semua amat saya hargai.. Minnasan, onegaishimasu! ^^

PS: Er, just wondering.. how possible is it for us to move this trip to, say, Feb/March 2010? ;p

PSS: Ati, mu online dok? I seriously need a discussion about now.. (-_-)


Nurhidayati Abd Aziz said...

Kak Op, I'll be online the whole day this weekend on YM. Buzz me anytime!

I'll respond to this entry ASAP.


Nurhidayati Abd Aziz said...

Kak Op,

1. 15-18 Jan is good with me, I'd prefer those dates, because the sooner the trip the better. But I'm also flexible with February and March, whatever works with everyone!

2. My preferences for places to visit? Penang National Park, Pulau Jerejak and Bukit Bendera.

3. Kalau dapat duduk kt guesthouse or bed and breakfast pun best jugak, lain sikit feel dari duduk hotel.


Can't wait to go for the trip!

Opie said...


I think we might need to postpone the trip. Beginning of the year is always a busy time, and as yet you're the only one replying to this.

At this rate, 15-18th Jan will be too soon for a trip.. (-_-)

izra said...

Kak opie, I'm fine with the week tp I personally can't do with the monday sbb ada kelas. if buat 14-17jan ok tak? tp, if nak postpone ke feb/march tu agk susah sbb, quoting Lutfi, tak dpt nak bayangkan lg jadual for both months. as for the places to visit, i'll go wherever u guys go tp bukit bendera is a must!

lyana sidek said...

nak respon tapi tak de tarikh nak propose. kuikui. don't know how it'll be going for the next month. yang tahu sepanjang sem ni macam agak busy. dan ada kelam kabut skit..hua..tapi kalau korang dah fix the date. i'll do my very best insyaAllah..
thanx for kak op and yati as the project manager.
and thanx to everyone as well..

Nurhidayati Abd Aziz said...

Nurul, skemanya... :p

Bilalah ku nak ke Terengganu ni.

lyana sidek said...

alamak, skema ke? tu la..dah lama tak jumpa korang.. tak de skill dah nak wat lawak..ha, yati..bila nak datang trengganu nih? saya pun nak jalan-jalan ke klate la..nak makan-makan..nyam-nyam :)
muni, nanti kita buat aksi grinding sama-sama ek! haha.

Opie said...


Weekend ni da 3 Jan. If we stick to the dates I've suggested, that means only two weeks left. Is everyone okay with this? Frankly, rasa macam agak rushed, sebab booking pun belum buat lagi.. (-_-)

Besides, there's 90% probability that most of us takleh nak amik cuti on such short notice..

Akak nak tanya: when does the semester break for the current sem? somewhere in march or april, right? (Cam tym kita nak gi practical training.)

I suggest we do it sometime during that break, since the majority of us won't be so busy.. iether with class, or teaching, or FYP undergrads needing attention left and right..

Look, I know it's hard to project schedules that far in the future, but that's the whole point of planning, isn't it?

Maybe we can all try to plan our workload around a vacation instead of planning the vacation around the workload..?

Meaning, set a definite date that we can all agree to and plan our work in advance so that we can get things settled before we all go on that vacation..

Can we try that? Please? ^^

Ann said...

minna-san :) sorry i'm late.tgh kalut isi sship form.ada kat umah nie smp 4 jan.ada kelas pun terpaksa ponteng.

kak op..sy stuju apa sj tempat yg akak propose.tentang tarikh bercuti tu sy bole plan workload so that sy dpt bersama2 ngan korang.give the definite date that all of us agree and i'm fine with that.

sem ni cuma ada satu kelas je.hari rabu.mmg akan ada assignment,discussion, presentation etc but insy allah smua tu bole dirancang.

lutfi lukman said...

saya lambat, macam biasa, lengai~ hehe. January is too soon, for me lah. Haih~ Feb or march or sem break wud be better. In terms of places to visit, I dunno penang, I dun mind going anywhere. U jump, I jump. huhu.

Isma Yanti said...

nak ajak korg SEMUA minum2 kedai mamak one day...
*nurulyana, awak nak blanja kitorg seme kan? hehe

Opie said...


Bila tu, nak minum2 kedai mamak tu? I'll be right there! ^^


So, sem break.. I think this is a good idea, since everyone will cuti at about the same time. (I'm the only one not working around the academic calender, so no excuses! *lol*)

In that case, I'd like everyone to give me a relative time bila semua universiti (USM, UKM, UPM & UDM) akan mula cuti akhir sem ni.

That way kita boleh pilih date yang sesuai. Bley?

Nurhidayati Abd Aziz said...

Yati dikecualikan dengan hebatnya sebab masih lagi menganggur beyond belief. :p

Anytime is fine with me!

lyana sidek said...

wah wah yati! beyond belief? fiwit.. mcm bes plak ayat tu..kuikui. (psst..ni kira skema tak?) hehe

anytime, anywhere.. yang pasti nak gi serbu sitot kat penang tuh! =P

lyana sidek said...

isma yanti..suka-suka catering mahallah hafsah je kata i nak belanja tau~

u la belanja...toink, toink!