Saturday, July 30, 2005


One of the controversial latest issues going around at our faculty, the SMART group. SMART stands for Science, Mind, Akhlak, something and something. I can't remember. >.<

So, first off was the meeting with the mentors, which consists of seniors. Went pretty smooth as there was no one to go against their plans. It was the shock of it I tell you.

Two days later, there was the gathering of the new students to help them adapt to the new environment and also to introduce all the big kahunas in the society. Later on, the SMART group was introduced. I was thinking that I might not be able to make it cause I had a class that night. But apparenty, luck was on my side (or was it not), and I still managed to see the on-goings of it all. The mentors and co-mentor were distributed accordingly to their juniors aka mentee aka protege.

All of us, except Ann was co-mentors. But Ann might be having a mentor soon too. A bit of introduction and small chit-chat with the juniors and the seniors. All of us were split according to our courses. More talking. Some juniors were already asking what concnetration they should take. They should really take it slow. We, the next batch to take the concentration are so laid back about it. And this people who are all still in 1st year have already popped the question. Adik-adik, do your Organic Chemistry, Microbiology, MCB and whole load of other basics first before worrying about something that you're going to do 2 years from now. Have a strong foundation first.

And some were already asking where they would work. And about their practical training. Even I have not decided about it yet and I'll be going in the next batch. Kids these days...

More blah, blah, blah. Eat. Go back. Sleep.

Let's just hope everything goes smoothly. I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about.

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