Sunday, March 15, 2009

Tag Gambar

As tagged by CST, kilang memproses manisan di, the 6th picture in the 6th folder.

Anyway, this is Aminah Zulfa (named after her paternal grandmother) doing some reading session with her aunt. She is my second niece and an absolute apple of my eye. I still remember looking after her when she was a wee toddler, as her mom had to go to a seminar or something. I practically looked after her 9/5 (when her dad was out to work), giving her milk, putting on the Einstein CD to make her sleep, and played with her. And my wasn't she a pleasure to behold.
She has grown now, almost catching up to her big sister Aqilah Auni, apparently a tad wilder now too (she likes to just collapse on the floor if she doesn't get what she wants, and she could give you a slap if she thinks you deserve it :p).
But yes, it's the big smile and those sparkly eyes which tug my heart every time. My favorite moment with her? Just when she wakes up from sleep and as she searches the room and she catches your eyes, she will give you the widest, the warmest, and the most beautiful smile you feel like you could melt right away. Seriously, I think it's my two nieces who taught me how to love again, with my whole heart.


Anonymous said...

1. im not buying with CSR stuff :P

2. which one is 6th picture?

Nurhidayati Abd Aziz said...


1. Ahaha.

2. The first one, of course. Yang lain tu supplementary saja. Nak kasi de-stress korang dengan gambar budak2 tu.


lyana sidek said...

comey, comey =p macam sy masa
kecik2 dulu =p

pasan skit.. tp mengaku yang skarang dah x comey..

ingat plak aqilah bile dengar lagu "ku tahu" by mila.hehe.

Nurhidayati Abd Aziz said...

ehehe, boleh saja nurul. :p

dia dah update sekarang Barbie pulak, segala DVD dengan baju Barbie Tokki dgn Mak Ati dia belikan.
