Sunday, May 22, 2005

No More Drilling

Dr. Kazue Yamagishi from Japan has made a great discovery in dental history, according to me that it. But I'm sure many people agree as well. Yes, she has created a modified hydroxyapatite paste which is quite similar to our teeth which is made of enamal. This modified paste is applied at the cavities of the teeth and then the paste would merge together with the natural enamel. No more drilling and painful experiences at the dentist. The link to her website is here. According to her, it's not so complete or perfect, the English version that is. But there's plenty of links to related articles about her work. I think it's great. I have plenty of cavities. Must be genetics. Like Dr. Aman said, there's even a botak gene. So, there should be a cavity gene. i hope if they have it here. Hmmm...

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