Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cuti-Cuti Malaysia!


Kengkawan yang dikasihi, kalau tak ada bantahan atau cadangan lain dari mana-mana pihak, cuti-cuti Malaysia tahun ni akan diadakan di Pulau Pinang. Ramai antara kita yang belum pernah jejak kaki lagi ke pulau ni, and for the first time boleh la kita berfoya-foya dengan Sitot sekali! :) By the way, kalau nak maklumat lanjut, bley check out Penang kat sini.

Anyway, since all of you are quite busy this time of year, I took the liberty of scouting us a place to stay and coming up with a list of activities. But I need your input in this, because right now there are a lot of options and I'd like to narrow it down to something we all want.

So, take a few minutes to answer the following questions. And please do this as soon as you can, because I need to book us a place soon. Accommodations tend to fill up fast towards the end of the year. Bukan kita je yang nak cuti my frens.. ^^

1. How much are you guys willing to spend?

2. When will you guys be able to take leave, and for how long?

Note: December is Peak season for most of the hotels in Penang, esp. as it gets closer to Christmas & New Year. This means paying more for accommodations, people! So kalau boleh akak cadang kita awalkan sikit trip kita ni. Somewhere in early December, perhaps?

3. Which would you prefer: Hotel rooms or service apartments?

Note: Hotel rooms are cheaper, but most only provide breakfast. Other meals kena cari sendiri. Apartments are a little more expensive, but bigger space complete with kitchen. I repeat, kitchen.. ^^

4. Nak tido tepi pantai or in town?

5. Kalau la kita nak masak, korang nak makan apa? nak buat BBQ ke tak?

6. Apa lagi yang korang nak?

Kalau rasa ada apa-apa nak tambah, atau ada soalan lain, sila la contact akak ya. Ataupun bagi komen kat blog ke. Whatever suits you.. Kalau boleh akak nak jawapan by end of next week. Orait?

Trimas, guys! ^^


Nurhidayati Abd Aziz said...

1. How much did we spend for Pergau last time? I don't remember. On accommodation and food alone, RM150-2000 cukup?

2. Haha, forever! Kidding, I should be free after Raya Haji (27th of November).

3. Service apartments with a 2-3 bedrooms! Boleh jimat makan dan masak!

4. Preferably tepi pantai!

5. Anything, BBQ is a must! Nasi goreng, mihun goreng, nasi lemak, nasi ayam.

Ada orang kempunan masakan Malaysia... :p

6. Just want to spend a good time hanging out with all of you girls and guys, borak-borak (banyak cerita, hopefully all good things by then! :p)

Kalau dapat pergi visit cultural/heritage site menarik jugak, mandi pantai/air terjun, makan laksa.

Berapa hari kita nak pergi Penang at most? 2-3 malam cantik tak?

Tak sabar nak balik! Tapi sayang nak tinggal Sydney jugak!


Nurhidayati Abd Aziz said...

Bukan RM2000, tp RM200. :p

Nurhidayati Abd Aziz said...

I'm not sure if Abg Pi is going to put up his suggestion or not, but he said he doesn't want us to cook as much so we can do other things more as a group.

Kalau kita breakfast dkt rumah, and perhaps one big dinner on one of the nights, and also picnic for a day's out. It would do kot?

Opie said...


Ann if you're reading this: Ann jadi ceti sambilan masa kat pergau haritu kan? kita spend berapa ek, per person? I need to make an estimate..

Guys, please keep this in mind: Kat Pergau kita sewa fishing lodge in the middle of nowhere.. BEAUTIFUL, but in the middle of nowhere.. ^^

This time kita nak pi Penang.. It's a tourist hotspot and you pay for everything.. So, kalau nak congak budget please keep this in mind ya.

Ati, Luppi has a good point. The whole point of Penang is food, so why bother cooking? Lgpun, kita bawak la periuk nasi letrik n bbq set sendiri in case nak masak ringan2. You know we always like to have those maggi treats whenever possible.. ;p

If you guys agree to luppi's idea, then I have the perfect motel for us. It's cheap, secluded and opens right onto the beach. They provide breakfast, and the rest we can find while out on the town...

Sound good?

Shana said...

Bencinye saya.. T____T

Opie said...


T_____T We're gonna miss you!

Btw, kenapa akak takleh nak comment on your blog? your blog link doesn't update on my blog either.. camana nak betulkan tuh?

lyana sidek said...

suka tepi pantai and boleh bbq...
makan-makan kita cari je kat penang tu, sebab sana banyak tempat makan kan...=)tengok dalam tv macam senua best-best je.
yati, 2-3 malam cantik dah tu...

pape nanti saya confirmkan semula!!
wah, tak sabar nak jumpa semua orang =)

Anonymous said...

takottttttttttt...nanti jumpa Prof Zainul kat penang :p

Ann said...

@kak op

yoo..! kalo tak silap ms kat pergau tu.smua skali termasuk mkn2,minyak kete etc each of us paid less than RM80. tp kita yg bwk adik2 ni of course lebih sket byrnya.
sy ada permintaan la,this time sy tak nak jadik financial lain plak..pleaasee!

1)emm..less than RM300

2)anytime,anywhere.cehh mcm tak de keje jer..emm sy kn tgk workload other words sy bole plan keje.
3)yg selesa, berpatutan dan bole tido ngan best!
4)tepi pantai tu kita wat mlm terakhir sekali ngan bbq..awal2 tu kita cr tempat kat town.amacm?
5)kita jln2 cr makan.bbq is a must!
6)nak jumpa citot,nak naik jambatan PP,nak window shopping, nak gi tempat2 yg best etc hoho~tak cukup rasanya RM 300..

izra said...

Kak Opie, sy setuju dgn Yati. Kita masak utk BBQ and picnic je. The rest kita cari la Penang tu. That's the point of going to Penang kan?

1) Around RM300
2) Psl ni sy kena tgk workload dulu (sama mcm Ann). Tp 2-3 malam will be just nice.
3) Mana2 yg cheaper sbb bleh spend lebih utk makan, sight-seeing and shopping!
4) Sy nak tepi pantai!!! Bleh berangan-angan dgn Nurul!*wink,wink*
5) BBQ adalah wajib!
6) Sy nak jalan2 + gosip2 + have fun dgn korang semua!! Btw, jom naik Bukit Bendera!

Can't wait!

Opie said...


Eleh, bukan kamu jer yang ada SV kat Penang la! namanya pun cuti..^^

Ep, I need your help in planning this..

@ Ann

Owh, sah la trip Penang lebih drp RM80..

Akak rasa it's better to stay in one place the entire time we're in Penang. Nanti tak susah nak buat booking. Lgpun, in town agak mahal sket, sbb everything is within reach..

Betul, RM300 agak kurang la..

@ Mun

Yep yep.. tepi pantai best giler, lagi2 tym bulan mengambang.. ingat cherating?? ;p