Saturday, August 08, 2009

update! update!


Hope u guys in a good condition..just to state that now i'm having some light fever..(not H1N1).

Kak op, i'm still breathing somehow. alhamdulillah. can't wait to hear what are u up to!

Shana, thanks a lot for always replying my email and give me awesome motivations.i reaallyy need that.

mun, how ya been doing in upm? senyap jer? nnt citer lah sket dlm blog ni. i reaallyy love to hear it from you.

it's been long time now..(agaknya..) or is it just my stupid and sellfish feeling and i reallyy wanna meet with yati and nurul and isma..

pojan and luppi, i reaally hope to talk with u guys again.

my world does not revolves properly right now.the system is red but still hoping my communication with u guys are excellent..

p/s: my project entered the second phase..sekali lagi sy berpoya2 ngan betik muda!


Isma Yanti said...

assalamualaikum cik ann n semua...

sy sdg menyesuaikan diri ngn tugas baru as a mum n wife.

walau penat mcm mana pun (plus pola tidur yg tak menentu),
sy masih lg boleh memasak (masak x sedap pun...),
mengemas (even x kemas mana pun rumah ni..),
mandikan sarah (kdg2 lap2 jer..), feed her, change her, n the list goes endless...
I'm not boasting here but honestly,
it amazes me where do all these energy n drive come from.
maybe sbb dh bertambah tanggungjawab kot ek.

n what's magical the most, I can still smile with my eyes half-shut while changing sarah's nappy n feed her at 3am ; )
jangan lupa ek, I do sigh n moan.
I'm a human : )

Opie said...

Isma my dear!

Wah, sounds tough.. but I bet you do it with both heart and arms wide open. Tu la namanya kasih ibu.. kan kan? (akak mana tau, belum dapat berkat.. =P)


maybe it's just me, but why do I get the feeling everybody's been writing emails to everybody lately?Ngehehe.. Remember that 'branching' analogy about us? ~.^

You guys are always on my mind, and you're in my heart 24/7. And I'm not sweet-talking.. :)

Ati, instead of Penang National Park, how 'bout just plain Penang? That way there would be a lot more to do..

I'll give details in the next entry coming up, so wait for it ya!

Ann said...

@mama isma,


kematangan seiring ngan pertambahan tanggungjwb kot..

nnt bole minta tips dr isma nak jaga baby key! ngehehe...

@kak op

kat mn pun akak decide nak bercuti, i will follow you!
insy allah..

lately my SV always wanna meet up with that, do this..

harap2 nya end of this year sy dpt bercuti ngan tenang..

lyana sidek said...

kak opie...plain penang pun ok, blh makan macam2. =P

hujung tahun tu after ati balik la kan? dalam bulan 12 la maksudnya...

Shana said...

Oh betik muda...

SV sy plak dh bising suruh fkr tajuk tuk poster presentation bln 10 nnt.. T_____T

Nurhidayati Abd Aziz said...

Hi Cik Ann, and consequently everyone!

I'm loving how this blog seems to grow by itself. It feels like good ol' times, just us girls talking to each other.

Cik Ann, in sya Allah kalau tak ada aral melintang Yati balik hujung November, nak raya haji kt Malaysia.

Tak lama je lagi, then kita pergi bercuti-cuti sama-sama!

Wah... sangat bahagia. :p

Opie said...


akak pun ada presentation gak bulan 10 ni! Kat Genting, of all places.. (-_-)v

I wish you and me luck! ^^

Nurul, tentatively kita punya gatering sometime akhir bulan 12. I have a wedding to help prepare awal bulan tu..

And yes, I chose plain Penang cuz banyak benda boleh makan, n sitot bley join! ^^

Nanti akak update!

Ann said...


kira nya mcm seminar p'tation ker?

dek kerana dah terlalu lama 'bergelumang' ngan betik muda, bila sy nmpk betik tua dah takde selera plak..kekeke..


nnt yati blk terus ke atau akan ada trip lain untuk blk selama nya?

btw,tak kisah la mcm mn. seronok sgt kalo kita smua dpt berkumpul.

@nurul n kak op

sy tak kisah yg penting sy dpt makan best2! hoho..

izra said...

Bila dah dpt rhythm berkerja kat sini nnt aku update semua ye. Skrg ni still dlm phase adjustment la. But I'm ok. Masih waras lg la hahaha Wish me luck!

lutfi lukman said...

Saya pun x dapat rhythm lg ni. Still dlm phase adjustment. Kewarasan semakin terancam. huhu

Chayo2 isma! (^_^)/