Sunday, April 03, 2005

Freedom (temporarily at least)

Yes, yes, yes!

The exams are over. Dinner was great, except it was cold.

And one more thing, we played UNO and I won 3 times. Hahaha.... :D

p/s: Oh yeah, I forgot, we have about 3 weeks break. That's for those who are taking short sem. For those who aren't, they'll be having about 4 months of nothing-ness. >_>


Nurhidayati Abd Aziz said...

Please note:

1. I've never played UNO before, yet I lost only once. Relatively, not bad either. Eh?

2. 4 months of nothingness??? That's a relatively unfair statement. Heheh. Arshana, prepare to sambut me as a guest. Thinking of going there around 23/4-5/5. May be we could arrange one more UNO tournament? *_* And one more, since Dar Ul Kutub is mentioning something about new method of ordering text books, I'm thinking of making an ambush to our potential lecturers next semester, asking for text outline. I certainly don't want what happened this semester to be repeated. The misery of not having a text book and nothing to refer!!! So, what say you?

Have a great holiday, a short holiday, to be specific. Hehe. :D

Shana said...

Short holiday is better. At least I won't be bored. Haha...
