Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Cloud Seeding

A lot of people seems to be meluahkan their perasaan here. So, I'm breaking the mold. =D

The recent haze nearly brought about cloud seeding. All I know is that preparations were made to do it, but I'm not so sure if it was executed since there was a heavy downpour.

Seeding is usually done in cumulus clouds. That's the big, fluffy clouds.

"In mid-latitude clouds, the usual seeding strategy has been based upon the vapor pressure being lower over water than over ice. When ice particles form in supercooled clouds, they grow at the expense of liquid droplets and become heavy enough to fall as rain from clouds that otherwise would produce none."

For more info, go here.

And yes, I am aware of the fact that this post is boring. I'm bored too. v_v


Nurhidayati Abd Aziz said...

Hehe, arshana. I don't know why, but I think some of us are being drowned with the touchy-feely stuffs lately (including me? Allah knows).

So, your post is a bit like 'ringing a bell' for us that we do have something else to attend to too.

No offense eh, everyone. I'm of course referring mostly to myself.

nurul said...

thanks for telling us about this process. frankly speaking, i didn't know about this process either.
never hesitate to post such entry next time..:)

Shana said...

Yes, yes, thank you one and all.

@ati: Touchy feeling stuff not really my stuff.