I have a 'pet'. It is huge. We did not adopt it from anywhere. Neither did we buy it. It just came one day to our house. Many people may not like it. I guess it would be called as an exotic pet then. I'm not sure anyone keeps it as a pet. Even more exotic. It is usually found in the wild. Due to its gigantic size and wild behaviour, we do not let it in the house. If possible, we wouldn't even want it to be anywhere near the house. But it refuses to leave. It has its own family. But due to lack of food, I suppose its original gigantic size is not so gigantic now. I hate it. All of us hate it. So, here's a picture of it.
I am still confused if it is a Komodo dragon or a monitor lizard. All of us at home think it is a Komodo. But Komodos are usually found in Indonesia. Any clues?
I hate lizards even more now.
nice pet.i hope it doesn't bite.don't feel offended but i think it's kinda ugly.i hate lizards too.they always have weird ways of surprising me.ceh!
p/s: 'ceh' is arshana's favourite word! (^_^)
I think i have seen it b4 at ur place.. Was it the same creature? As i know bomba helps to get rid of snakes, not sure of kodomos..
It can't be komodo dragon, they have something like spikes on their head.
Itu normal biawak tu.
Arshana, new camera on operation eh? :D
@izra: Memang ceh. I hate lizards and its entire extended family. Jijik and disgusting.
@az: The bomba did come once before I guess. Can't remember.
@ati: Klu sebut biawak, mcm kecik je. Ni mmg besar giler. It's nearly 1/2 meter. Gambar ni ambik dgn digicam. :)
Biawak bandar. Best jugak nama ni. Hehe...
@nurul: Takpe Nurul. Saya kasi chance untuk Nokia Engage Nurul utk menyerlah. Mmg biawak bandar la tu.
@isma: Ish.. ish. Isma ni side dgn homo sapien @ dgn cicak? Tak baik tau. Kesian kat saya. Dah la e-mail Hajar 'homo sapien', nnt dia terasa pulak. Haha..
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