Friday, August 19, 2005

Ehem, Ehem.

Now, let me break the on-going moods here. Just an updates of what we've been doing at this time of the semester.

First, CONVEST (Convo Fiesta) has started. As usual we can expect the graduating seniors going back and forth with their robes and everything, and of course the stalls and bazaars at the CONVEST hill (will I have the chance to go this year?). Also, the Ummatic Week are taking place simultaneously, now this is interesting.

Next, today's the end of the 6th weeks. So that means mid term exams are coming in a few days to come. So far, UNGS 2040 and 2050 will be on 1st and 2nd September respectively. For other subjects, some might be after the break.

There will be mentor's meeting this Saturday night (20/8). So my fellow mentors, get your gears ready (and it's only Mun and I whom will be attending it. Oh my!).

I'm thinking of inviting others to have "Big Makan-Makan Projects" at CONVEST Hill. What say you, guys? Since by the end of this semester we'll already be in the midst of Ramadhan, so it might be quite difficult to plan anything. Though iftaar followed by tarawih prayer (Musolla Engin?) seems nice and sweet, too.

Okay, that's all.


Ann said...

Idea yang bagus tapi kena discuss cepat.Emm...syoknya makan2 kat convest hill.

Shana said...

At last, a non-jiwang post. >.>