Sunday, August 21, 2005

Need for a help!

Help! Help!Help!
i'm reconstructing my blog, somehow, i was lost. Lost in the midst of
wierd+freak html+script codes.
so u guys, visit my blog first by clicking URL down herre:
see, it is a dull web blog with unknown color (purple+blue= i dont know how to name it)
i was planning to stick a picture on it!
in the dearth of knowledge in IT,
i really need for a help to alter the script or anyone of u guys know any alternative
and anyone who can solve this prob,
"there should be a grace"
i promise!

1 comment:

nurul said...

untuk sesuatu blog tu menarik, apa yang penting ialah isinya. tapi tak dinafikan background yang menarik juga penting. cuba improve blog supaya lebih informative dan lebih santai, tanpa benda yang pelik2. sori kalau komen ni berbaur skema...